Genesis EW Ltd. P.O.B 96, Yehud 5610002 Israel Mail: Tel. +972-3-9476661 Fax. +972-3-9476663
GenCOM Simulation System enables the generation of complex electromagnetic battlefields, defining posts, networks, units, suspects with their movements and activities. The system incorporates also Content Intelligence such as audio, text to speech and IMINT.
The simulated electromagnetic battlefield is then generated into SIGINT sensor output (descriptors) and is emulating the sensor capabilities and behavior.
GenCOM Simulation System easily integrates with other trainers and simulators, not only SIGINT-based, and helps creating a complete battlefield simulation arena, without having to deploy the actual sensors and forces. It can also be used to test the best possible mission parameters (Area of Interest and Search Tables) in order to correctly deploy the sensors on the field for optimal mission achievement.