GenCOM SimGen (Simulation Generator) is an extremely flexible user-friendly offline graphic tool for the definition of simulated EOB entities (units, networks, command posts, transmitters, etc.) and their tactical and electromagnetic activity, allowing rapid generation of complex battlefield scenarios.
Tactical activity definition options include movements and relations among EOB entities. Electromagnetic activity definitions support various network types (FF, FH, FCS, etc.), allowing handling of characteristic network features and activity regime. Interfacing with standard map packages (GIS), GenCOM SimGen also supports DTM based operations, including terrain cuts and coverage areas.
To ensure maximum simplicity for users in defining simulation parameters, GenCOM SimGen offers a range of automatic operations, including automatic frequency allocation, activity definition and duplicate operations.
GenCOM SimGen produces simulated PTTs that reflect the tactical and electronic activity in the
battlefield based on user-defined configurations, which GenCOM SimPro (Simulation Processor) uses to fully simulate the activity of real sensors.
As an online tool, GenCOM SimPro produces synchronized multi-sensor simulations of scenarios for EW systems in an easily customizable output format and activation protocol.
Sophisticated GenCOM SimPro products include descriptors (simulated intercepted data) generated during runtime for each user-defined simulated sensor.
With its multi-signal type handling capability, GenCOM SimPro injection control option supports simulation flow commands (Start Injection, Stop Injection, etc.), and is especially beneficial in training applications.